Instead of drinking eggnog I decided to breadboard a project I attempted a while back.
An oscillator based on a Tv delay line, I saw something similar in a 80's electronics mag (now lost).
A continuous osc running at 4.43 mhz colour burst frequency is gated into a delay line, feedback from the end of the delay line is amplified and fed back via the lowest inverter on the schem.
Initially this inverter was a monostable from 2 inverters, but I found it works just as a straight inverter without timing.
I dont quite get how this is working, the burst period appears to be 21.3uS, 1/3 of the delay lines period, why is the third harmonic controlling the feedback, the transistor amp doesnt appear to be clipping, is this just the gain in the feedback nand?
I'm surprised this works with just 3 gates, though it does need something adding to start it, right now touching one of the components starts it up.
I dont have a use its just one circuit I wanted to play with, pics attached of the 'scope trace (top gated drive to delay line, bottom feedback) and rough schem.