Newbie level 2
I have been working on 7-series FPGA where I need to implement ISERDESE2 primitive. I am not getting any output out if it. Earlier I have implemented ISERDES2 on 6-series FPGA without bitslip operation. It was working. Now ISERDESE2 is not working. I understood Bitslip is for data alignment but how to implement the bitslip operation while using ISERDESE2 primitive. Please help me to resolve and understand the functionality of ISERDESE2 with and without Bitslip. I am posting my ISERDESE2 primitive here.
Thanks in advance.
I have been working on 7-series FPGA where I need to implement ISERDESE2 primitive. I am not getting any output out if it. Earlier I have implemented ISERDES2 on 6-series FPGA without bitslip operation. It was working. Now ISERDESE2 is not working. I understood Bitslip is for data alignment but how to implement the bitslip operation while using ISERDESE2 primitive. Please help me to resolve and understand the functionality of ISERDESE2 with and without Bitslip. I am posting my ISERDESE2 primitive here.
Code Verilog - [expand] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ISERDESE2 #( .DATA_RATE ("DDR"), // DDR, SDR .DATA_WIDTH (8), // Parallel data width (2-8,10,14) .INTERFACE_TYPE("NETWORKING"), // MEMORY, MEMORY_DDR3, MEMORY_QDR, NETWORKING, OVERSAMPLE .IOBDELAY ("IFD"), // NONE, BOTH, IBUF, IFD .NUM_CE (1), // Number of clock enables (1,2) .SERDES_MODE ("MASTER") // MASTER, SLAVE ) ISERDESE2_inst ( .O (), .Q1 (s_data_out[3]), .Q2 (s_data_out[2]), .Q3 (s_data_out[1]), .Q4 (s_data_out[0]), .Q5 (s_data_out[7]), .Q6 (s_data_out[6]), .Q7 (s_data_out[5]), .Q8 (s_data_out[4]), .SHIFTOUT1 (), .SHIFTOUT2 (), .BITSLIP (1'b0), .CE1 (1'b1), .CE2 (1'b1), .CLKDIVP (1'b0), .CLK (rx_refclk), .CLKB (~rx_refclk), .CLKDIV (rx_refclk_div), .OCLK (1'b0), .DYNCLKDIVSEL (1'b0), .DYNCLKSEL (1'b0), .D (1'b0), .DDLY (DATAOUT), .OFB (1'b0), .OCLKB (1'b0), .RST (i_sys_rst), .SHIFTIN1 (), .SHIFTIN2 () );
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