What exactly is trce and how can i try it out in ISE 10.1 please?[/qoute]
Under the Tools menu is Timing Analyzer. TRCE is the underlying tool that Timing Analyzer uses to compute the timing. TRCE is the name of the program you can use on the command line.
I haven't defined any timing constraints as far as I know.
Well if you don't have any clocks...do you have any clocks?...then you probably still want some constraints for pin-to-pin delays. You can add those in the constraint manage. Take a look at your timing report it should have a section that shows you the unconstrained paths.
By any chance would you know if a hierachical CLA vs a normal CLA for the same function were used; which would utilize more slices and LUTs?
Assuming you mean a Carry Look Ahead. I haven't designed one of those, since Xilinx 4000 days (no carry chains). With the advent of carry chains in FPGAs I stopped messing around with hand built implementations.
I ran Xpower analyzer from the PAR menu under processes. How can I go ahead with this vcd file import please?
Offhand I can't say. I've looked into doing this but as we normally use pretty conservative estimates of power I've seldom had to improve my estimates beyond importing the PAR results and using a toggle rate of 12.5% for logic and whatever I've determined is the percentage of read and write cycles to memories.