I already asked this question in Xilinx forums, but have not received an answer yet... Maybe you guys can help me!
I'm trying to instantiate a floating point 5.0 core generated by 'Core Generator and architecture wizard'...
In my ISE 14.7 project (targeting xc6slx4), I did Project -> New source -> IP (Core Generator and architecture wizard) -> and selected Floating Point 5.0.
I configured the core in the wizard (multiplier, etc...) then generated. It's named 'fp_mul'.
In the ipcore_dir created, there is a fp_mul.vhd apparently used for simulation. Made a test bench and it is working fine in simulation.
The problem is that when I actually try to instantiate and synthesize the core: it looks like it's trying to use the same file used for simulation, and therefore, it is like using an empty file because of the "-- synthesis translate_off / on" attributes. So no error but it is clearly not implemented...
I instantiated the core like it is done in the template file .vho.
Why can I do to solve this issue ? How can I actually instantiate the core?
Thanks a lot,
- - - Updated - - -
Well, nevermind....
After regenerating the core for the Nth time..... it is finally working properly! Note sure what was happeninh...