Member level 4
Dear All,
I'm trying to make a timing report for all path which is
1. Input to register path
2. Register to register path
3. Register to output path
4. Input to output path
Basically My design is
And I've got the report report_reg2output but it seems something wrong.
Why can't report with any path? Did I something to do wrong?
One thing is for input to output reports.
As you can see the above report, It supposed to report with Cin1[4:0] and Cin2[4:0] to Cout[4:0] path not only sel to Cout[4:0] path. But didn't it.
Would you please help me how to get a path timing Right report ?
I'm trying to make a timing report for all path which is
1. Input to register path
2. Register to register path
3. Register to output path
4. Input to output path
Basically My design is
module MY_DESIGN ( Cin1, Cin2, Cout, data1, data2, sel, clk, out1, out2, out3);
input [4:0] Cin1, Cin2, data1, data2;
input sel, clk;
output [4:0] Cout, out1, out2, out3;
reg [4:0] R1, R2, R3, R4, out1, out2, out3;
wire [4:0] arth_o;
ARITH U1_ARITH ( .a(data1), .b(data2), .sel(sel), .out1(arth_o) );
COMBO U_COMBO ( .Cin1(Cin1), .Cin2(Cin2), .sel(sel), .Cout(Cout) );
always @ (posedge clk)
R1 <= arth_o;
R2 <= data1 & data2;
R3 <= data1 + data2;
R4 <= R2 + R3;
always @ (out2, R1, R3, R4)
out1 <= R1 + R3;
out2 <= R3 & R4;
out3 <= out2 - R3;
report_timing -from [all_inputs] -to [all_registers -data_pins] -max_paths 10 > report_input2r.rpt
report_timing -from [all_registers -data_pins] -to [all_registers -data_pins] -max_paths 10 > report_reg2r.rpt
report_timing -from [all_registers -data_pins] -to [all_outputs] -max_paths 10 > report_reg2o.rpt
report_timing -from [all_inputs] -to [all_outputs] -max_paths 10 > report_intput2out.rpt
And I've got the report report_reg2output but it seems something wrong.
Why can't report with any path? Did I something to do wrong?
Report : timing
-path full
-delay max
-max_paths 10
Design : MY_DESIGN
Wire Load Model Mode: enclosed
No paths.
One thing is for input to output reports.
Report : timing
-path full
-delay max
-max_paths 10
Design : MY_DESIGN
Wire Load Model Mode: enclosed
Startpoint: sel (input port clocked by clk)
Endpoint: Cout[4] (output port clocked by clk)
Path Group: clk
Path Type: max
Point Incr Path
clock clk (rise edge) 0.00 0.00
clock network delay (ideal) 1.00 1.00
data required time 3.75
data required time 3.75
data arrival time -1.40
slack (MET) 2.35
As you can see the above report, It supposed to report with Cin1[4:0] and Cin2[4:0] to Cout[4:0] path not only sel to Cout[4:0] path. But didn't it.
Would you please help me how to get a path timing Right report ?