(wrong sub-forum?) problem with pitch slider on DJ turntable

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Newbie level 3
Oct 13, 2009
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(ROMANIAN) in Stamford, CT
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I wasn't sure where to post this. I figured this section should work.

I have two Numark TT500 turntables. They each have a slider which controls the pitch (speed the motor rotates the platter that the vinyl record sits on). The problem is that 0% pitch distortion is supposed to be in the dead center of the slider, but 0% is at the very bottom of the slider, not in the center. In other words, the zero is off center. (I can tell where the zero is based on the sound, and an LED lights up telling me when I am at 0)

I took the slider out of the turntable and measured two points on the bottom of a pcb attached to the slider assembly which I think lead to the potentiometer the slider uses. The resistance measurements are as follows:
~1kOhm slider all the way up
~5kOhm slider centered
~10kOhm slider all the way down

These seem about right, considering its a linear pot.

What I'm asking for is help diagnosing and hopefully fixing this problem with my off-center zeros. The bad pitch sliders are rendering my turntables unusable. I would order replacement slider assemblies but Numark has been on backorder for them since around January of this year, so it seems I'm out of luck there.

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