Writting data for Data EEPROM in notepad

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Jun 12, 2010
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Regina, Canada
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Hi, i am working on some project using PIC 16F877A MCU where i want to save some data to its data EEPROM memory,

problem is that i want to write these initial values (in text and numeric form) manually to EEPROM like in notepad so that when i burn my device this data could also copy to EEPROM of MCU. I also want to write these values at specific location so that it can be called through program. below is the structure of EEPROM when i open it in notepad.

Thanking you.


Im not looking for external EEPROM, i want to use internal EEPROM, i want to understand above values saved

The data will be normally written in C or assembly language in a better readable form. Hex code as shown in post #1 is generated by assembler/compiler.

Im not looking for external EEPROM, i want to use internal EEPROM, i want to understand above values saved
one of the examples appears to be for the internal EEPROM of a PIC16, i.e.
For a PIC16F87x, how to initialize the built-in 256 bytes of EEPROM at compile time.

also if you do a web search pic16 eeprom example it will give you many links

As you are talking about it should get stored at burning time. so as per my opinion there could be two solutions as
1.Use internal ROM for storing thses array
2. use SD-card for storing these data.

as per file this this is looking as hex file format as we burn it in controller.so if u clearly explain ur task we could help you.

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