Looks like you are using Primetime for this. but anyways .. the following concept is common to all the other tools.
As you mention about the sceniorio, I am not sure which technology are you using because the extreme condition like dhaval has mentioned are applicable for higher technology mode. but for lower technology these extreme conditions changes as per the path. Means it may happen that for a particular path in the design corner "A" and corner "B" are extreme conditions but for another path corner "A" and corner "C" are. So for a particular design , it may happen that more then 2 corners are signoff corners. So in that case, there should not be any violation in any of the voilation.
So best way is .. fix a particular violation at a particular sceniorio and cehck if it is not creating any violation in other corners.
different tools have different way of dowing this. In Primetime you can use DMSA feature , for solving this type of problem.
may be this much is useful for you. In case if you have any other question let me know.