Working RC5 decoding code?

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Advanced Member level 3
Jan 6, 2004
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algorithm for rc5 decoding

I am looking for a working RC5 decoding code with 8051 MCU. I tried almost all codes available on the net but non of them works. I even tried using RC5 function in BASCOM but even that is not working!!
One thing I have noted is that even when no remote button is pressed the IR sensor (TSOP1738) emits pulses at its output pins at irregular intervals. Could this be the reason why non of the codes are working? If it is, how do I solve it? TSOP1738 has been interfaced with the uC exactly as shown in its datasheet.

how to decode tsop1738 output


I am also working on an IR decoding project at the moment. First off all reading much about RC5 on the net my belief that most remotes use this code was completely wrong. Only one of about 8 remotes I own were actually RC5 decoded. So first question is are you sure that you are trying to decocode RC5? What is the project you are actually working on?

For the 1736 did you implement the circuit as described in the datasheet? I connected the data line directly to my µC and got the same results as you. I the added the two resistors along with the cap and it worked fine.

BTW: I personally don't own an oscilloscope so I used my linux machine with LIRCs xmode2 to show the code that is sent by my remotes. Most of them used a SPACE enconding algorithm by the way...

Best Regards,

rc5 decoding algorithm

Yes I am 100% sure that my remote is sending RC5 codes as it is buit around SC3010 IC which is a RC5 remote encoder.

I am actually trying to decode RC5 signals so that I can use it in my projects where remote control is required.

I have directly conencted TSOP1738's output to uC. What is the value of resistors and capacitor that you have used?

replace tsop immediately.if u r still fasing the problem,connect the filter circuit with a resistance(4.7 ohm) in series to output of tsop & a cap(2.2uF) in parallel to the ground. take its out put across the capacitor.U will get the desired out put.see u...........

Do you guys know if dishnetwork remote uses RC5?

I am also look out for IR remote control project like controlling 4 relays using IR. Any one any idea or code/ckt.

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