hi, i am working on simdevide. getting error while compiling example code. the error is in making elf file
make:*** [SampleUseSIMComLibs.elf]Error1
i guess this error is due to some incorrect path i have given to linker
my expert setting command line pattern is
"${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} ${OUTPUT_FLAG} ${OUTPUT_PREFIX}${OUTPUT} ${INPUTS} ${build_project}..\..\EmbatSIM\gsmos\coreSW\rvctcore\1137B02V01SIM968M64_ST_ENHANCE_EAT.x"
in all options it is
"-T"..\..\EmbatSIM\gsmos\libs\GCC\sim900.ld" -nostartfiles -Wl,-Map,SampleUseSIMComLibs.map -z muldefs -Xlinker --just-symbols "../../EmbatSIM/gsmos/coreSW/rvctcore/*.x" "../../EmbatSIM/gsmos/libs/GCC/ctype_.o" -mcpu=arm926ej-s -mthumb-interwork"
can anyone please guide me to remove this error
thanks in advance.