wirless idea (Help please)

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Newbie level 3
Oct 1, 2007
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I am doing my graduation project and i have an idea but donnot know how to implement it and is it a good project, it is about museum wirless system,the visitor take a wirless headphone and when he stand in front of statue or some thing the headphone begin to play a recorded message about the statue, please help me in these questions:

1-is it a good project for 6 members team?
2-what wirless access we can use (wifi or what?)?
3-what books will I use to implement this system?
thanks in advance
Of Course ; Suggestions and Ideas are most welcomed

the goals of this project should be
1} usable by anyone
so should provide a needle pad for blind people and a data stream to control it in time to the audio to describe the exhibits and surroundings in fine detail
{key accepts map }

2} use a rf micro and cheep mono mode for audio
to cut costs
that accepts plug in units
while still allowing partial deaf people to hear the audio via there induction loop ear piece etc....

3} have an optional clip on screen that close up views can be shown on
of key areas of an exhibit

so basicaly should include by default disabled peoples accepts....

4} all units and headwear screens etc....
should only charge and run from the sun
or renuable sources

you should impliment a 32 bit micro design much like psp but highly intergrated to the needs via a flexable embeded o/s and a main frame node based wilan

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