wireless transmission of sensor data to a server

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Full Member level 4
Jun 18, 2007
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I am working on a project to send telemetry data of patient (Body temperature, blood pressure) to a centralized server. Body temperature and pressure can be captured using wireless sensors and those values are digitized. Now, the question is how to send this data to a centralized server? Which technology serves the best in my case? Please help me out. I am mainly looking for transmission over a wifi network.



Please be more precise. Can you tell the agents you use ? You said you have a server and sensors but you did not mention how the measures are digitized (wich agent ?).


Please be more precise. Can you tell the agents you use ? You said you have a server and sensors but you did not mention how the measures are digitized (wich agent ?).

I will design a circuit so that the body temperature can be measured and digitized for every 15 minutes. That circuit will be having USB Port or some kind of interface. I want to build a system in such a way that the body temperature is polled in periodic intervals and can be send to WiFi AP's. How to do this?

you could use a modem and send an SMS text message to an M2M server or, if the modem has a TCP/IP stack, send a UDP datagram or connect to a TCP server

In this case taking into account the variables that can affect the measurement due to external factors such as humidity, air flow and direct sunlight, would have to measure invasively and thus have an accurate reading of the animal, could isolate, using a collar to protect the sensor and measure directly, or another feasible alternative should be used.

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