Wireless Surveillance System using zigbee

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Newbie level 2
Aug 6, 2013
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Project title:
Wireless surveillance system using zigbee technology

Reference 1:

**broken link removed**

Reference 2:

1. Transmitter Side

2.Receiver Side

These are two references on which i m working for my project.
Mostly on 2nd reference. But instead of EM260 RCM we r going to use zigbee ETRX3 module(transmitter side) and ETRX3USB(receiver side).
I got the idea about whole project but after watching the reference 1, I m facing problems regarding interfacing of camera and zigbee module, I will use Microcontroller for handling of camera output as suggested in 2nd Reference But how can i interface camera, microcontroller and zigbee module, Is there any need of ZIgBEE shield as shown in 1st reference?
that i want to clear my doubt. I hope you understood my doubt and will hope for your precious support and i can work further on it.
Thank You Sir....

From what I understand, the ZIgBEE shield just makes it easier to interface with your microcontroller, especially with an Arduino. How you interface with the zigbee module depends on what microcontroller you use. Zigbee supports serial communication. It could be connected to the UART port of the microcontroller. See this thread on how to interface a zigbee to an 8051. https://www.edaboard.com/threads/199122/. I think similar posts should exist for other microcontrollers.

See this thread on interfacting camera module with microcontroller. https://www.edaboard.com/threads/265973/

Essentially the XBee modules form a cableless serial connection which acts as a transparent pass through of commands and data.

The shield you mention in the first reference, aids with interfacing the XBee module with other devices, as the pinouts are only 2mm, not the standard breadboardable 2.54mm.

Of course, if you were to design your own PCB with 2mm header sockets, neither breakout/shield would be required.

Keep in mind, the relatively slow throughput of the serial connection implemented by the XBee modules limits acquisition to single frames, not full motion video.

The camera employed in the first reference has a built-in UART which receives commands to control the camera and transmit the image.

Using a similar setup, an additional microcontroller is not required, only the two XBee modules and the camera with the built-in UART are essential.

Thanks for you support
I have changed my project...n now i will not go for live streaming through camera... I will attach the PIR sensor and TTL serial JPEG camera with Arduino UNO ( atmega328p microcontroller)...n i will just transmit images taken by the camera when motion is detected by PIR sensor...
Now my doubt is I want to transmit images through Zigbee module, and this module is connected with microcontroller through TX, Rx pins of Arduino. So is there any other option to connect camera with microcontroller. Pls suggest me if any.

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