wireless FSK modulation question

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Newbie level 4
Feb 18, 2005
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dear all,

I've a question that i need an answer for it and attached with it a site that can confirm your answer about it,
in FSK modulation, if the input digital bit (baud) rate was 64kbps, on what bases I should choose f1 and f2 that will be used for wireless transmission???

Is there's any relation between the input bit rate and the frequency used for modulation (f1 and f2) ???
and if f1 and f1 should be so high, by how much with respect of the input bit rate (baud rate)????
plz try to make ur answer confirmed with any site, coz I will give the answer to the one who is responsible for our project,
thanks in advance

This is a basic FSK question.
The minimum frequency separation is the one used in Minimum Shift Keying (MSK). The frequency separation between Mark and Space frequencies is Δf = 1/2T = 0.5 * Data rate. Read the text book Digital Communications by Prokais, 4'th edition page 194. To demodulated MSK signal the demodulator can be coherent or differentially coherent.

To use non-coherent (and simpler) receiver you can use regular FSK with non-coherent reception. In this case the minimum separation is Δf=1/T=data rate.

Also read the same text book page 178.

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