windows xp and windows7

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Member level 2
Jul 22, 2010
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Hi friends
I have a software thats worked fine on windows xp now i want to use it on windows 7 but the driver associated with the software seems incompatiable with windows 7.IS THERE ANY WAY TO MAKE THE DRIVERCOMPATIABLE WITH WINDOWS7?

win xp application can be installed on win 7 but i cant tell about the driver unless we know which application is it...

to install any old appz of xp in win 7 u just right click on the setup file and click on troubleshoot compatibility --->click on try recommended settings -->start the program...

have you tried this?
right click the .exe file and go to properties. there under the compatibiltity tab, there is something called run in compatibility mode for. check the box and select the version you want. appply the settings and then run the file.

check whether ur Windows 7 is 32-bit or 64-bit because most of the software work fine in 32-bit OS but when installed in 64-bit they raise compatibility issues. Also sometimes window XP software that are working fine in 32-bit OS, gave problem on windows 7 32-bit version. For this you right click on the application file>properties>compatibility>then check for (run this program in compatibility mode for) windows XP (SP1, SP2 or SP3).

The best advice will be check the Compatibility ,and u can then get out of this type of problem .I m sure u can do it.

Maybe you can install some plugin first???

What about using the virtual XP mode, if it the software must be used on the new machine/OS

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