winding of a transformer

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Member level 3
Dec 4, 2010
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If part of a primary winding of a transformer were accidentally short-circuited what will the immediate effect on transformer.

If you apply the nominal input voltage, the transformer will consume a high current, and burn quickly, if you keep it powered.

If you apply the nominal input voltage, the transformer will consume a high current, and burn quickly, if you keep it powered.

thanks for the reply but my question is about short circuiting and you are talking about voltage i can't understand your reply please explain it.

you are talking about voltage i can't understand your reply please explain it.
If you know a way to operate a transformer without connecting it to a voltage source (e.g. mains power supply), I'll think about to the specific problem.


    Points: 2
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If part of a primary winding of a transformer were accidentally short-circuited what will the immediate effect on transformer.

If part of the primary is shortted then the net effect is reduced number of turns on the primary causing more flux on the core (core can saturate loosing its magetic properties) & more peak primary current which will damage the winding after few Secs / min depending upon how many turns are shorted out.

Thanks for the reply but i can't understand it properly.

Meaning that when the primary side of the transformer is short circute it reduce the resistance of the primary coil and can burn the transformer in few second.

Transformer is short and burn quickly .....simply just due to overheat it will be burned and primary winding is short which secondary....

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