WiMax OFDM Cyclic Prefix

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Newbie level 3
Mar 16, 2011
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Hi All,
im designing a matlab simulink model for OFDM-MIMO Wimax Phy layer and the probem i have nw faced is to set the cyclic prefix parameters in the selector block, and there's a model in matlab demo as well and also in the mathworks file exchange as well....and according to the model i found in mathworks by observing the mfile i could found hw to compute cyclic prifix and applied it to the block parameters but when this parameters added it gives me a huge BER different...so if any one could help me to figure out this matter...

thanks in advance

BER analysis are carried out in receive section after demodulation
so , u have to remove the added cyclic prefix after FFT analysis

other reason could be : how QAM/QPSK symbols are fed as an input to IFFT block in transmit chain ?
they should be in the middle with zeros at either side to reduced out of band signalling

hope this wrks

thanks a lot dude....i was able to figure the problem out my self...it was a problem with the parameter which i have entered in to the selector block..and i was able to figure it out..any way thanks a lot....for the help..kit:-D

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