Width and Height Constraint problem?

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new guy

Newbie level 4
Mar 7, 2022
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Can anyone tell me how can I remove this "rule violations" ( I guess) from project? Are there any settings that I need to change to fix this?

Best regards.

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Where and how can I adjust height? And one last question ( I hope )...

I was making changes to some footprints and when I right-clicked on them and choose an option to update PCB, changes did not applied on PCB file, why is that happening? I am not getting any error

It might depend on which version of Altium you're using, but go to Design/Rules and scroll down to Placement. Height is under Placement.

Not sure what you're update problem is, but there are several steps involved.
Component Actions/Update From PCB Libraries. Select the layers to include (I just include all). Then click the Update All Footprints (Create ECO) button. NOT the Ok button. (This is one of those stupid, stupid Altium things.) Then you will create an ECO and then process the ECO.

BTW, in the future, you should mention what software you're using. I just happened to recognize it.

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