Is there any good and cheap solutions? I saw photos in old magazines, where S parameter drawn on Smith chart using old-tube display up to 20GHz, some old network analyzer? It would be interesting to hear what can be used nowdays, and what are approximate piece prices. Fro example, to build up an 10GHz laboratory, how much money would you spent. Maybe some kind of most popular RF equipment list exists on the internet.
And what minimum equipment requirements to get good result?
1. It looks like most useful thing is network analyzer. Maybe many papers come out this way: somebody played with network analyzer, then wrote clever theory paper with foolish incomplete theory. It is powerful thing, wich works even when incomplete theories does not.
2. Frequency counter. Can use cheap one with prescaler IC, or replace with DIY frequency counter
Less realistic:
3. Spectrum analyzer: can find problem with harmonics, spurs. And also if it can show waveform, analyze modulation.
Too expensive. To find 2*F harmonics need 2*F spectrum analyzer, wich is not 2x expensive, maybe 10x or 100x expensive.
Can analyze amplitude, phase noise.
Maybe can be "replaced" with reference RF source of known power and compare test board power to it in some simple way.
read about many difficulties with SMA-connectors. Wrong connector gives bad measurement. But if found few good connectors i think they can be reused on many test boards.