Wich AT commends are set for sms controller

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Dear Friends please tell me any body how to set AT commends for SMS Controller :roll:

Dear Friend I am doing https://www.serasidis.gr/circuits/SMSremoteV3/SMSrcV3.htm this project but I am using VISIONTEK GSM MODEM 82GM
Actually my problem is modem not supporting to AT+CPMS="ME" .........Only supporting AT+CPMS="SM" My uc(ATTINY2313 20-PU) connected to Hyper Terminal in PC through max 232 It's showing AT+CPMS="ME" So how to set AT commend's for this Modem Please tellme

Friend My modem not suporting to "ME" Supporting "SM' Only I am using VISIONTEK GSM MODEM 82 GM


  • 82gm-brochure.pdf
    144.4 KB · Views: 166
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    271.7 KB · Views: 222


First of all, don't use Hyper Terminal in PC for GSM module testing because Hyper Terminal don't display Hexadecimal value like '\r' = 0x0D, \n = 0x0A which is extremely use in GSM communication.
Use other serial communication application like Hercules from HW group.

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    Points: 2
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Dear Friend how to solve this problem


SIM is not ready. Possible issues - SIM is not inserted, SIM PIN required, SIM PUK code required.

In olden days, the Hayes 'AT' command set became more or less a standard, which modem manufacturers commonly followed.

There is a slim chance one or more of the Hayes commands could work.
Or else if not, then your module has its own proprietary command set, and you may need to try various combinations of the commands provided.


First of all, please describe what you want to do with GSM module, what is your final or end project target. There is always no. of way or better way to do same thing, May be there are other way to do your project target.

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    Points: 2
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First of all, please describe what you want to do with GSM module, what is your final or end project target. There is always no. of way or better way to do same thing, May be there are other way to do your project target.


Sorry my friend I didn't understand what you are say.....Please explain me

Friend If any way to check my hardware with out modem ? .............. Why because my hardware connected to PC HYPER TERMINAL through MAX 232 CHIP uc was trying always AT+CPMS="ME",AT+CPMS="ME",AT+CPMS="ME",AT+CPMS="ME",;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; LIKE THIS that meens my hardware is working properly I am right? :roll:

- - - Updated - - -


Please describe your project need or project in detail.


Friend I am doing This project LINK : http://www.serasidis.gr/circuits/SMSremoteV3/SMSrcV3.htm
But I am try to change the modem and modem interface through MAX 232 ........... that's it

Yes, your hardware work properly, it try to communicate with modem but you disconnect your modem so it continuously send AT command.
let me one thing clear that the program in your hardware is written by you or hardware is ready made.

I show that link. It give SMS_remote_control_ericsson_module.asm file which is code file. If you are programmer then you can easyly change that command "AT+CPMS=",'"',"ME",'"',0x0d,0 with your supported command, or simply change that command with "AT"0x0d,0
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Reactions: sribangaram


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    Points: 2
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hex file available in web site........ but program burn in uc my self only
One more thing I try to 2 way also again Change the ASM file LIke AT+CPMS="SM" and compile .... because checking for modem but nothing change
Now It's trying in hyper terminal AT+CPMS="SM",AT+CPMS="SM",AT+CPMS="SM",AT+CPMS="SM",;;;;;;;;; Like this
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you must change SMS_remote_control_ericsson_module.asm according to your requirement, compile and generate new hex file, and it works.....

You simply change following line
select_phone_memory: .db "AT+CPMS=",'"',"ME",'"',0x0d,0 ;Select the phone memory ("ME")
select_phone_memory: .db "AT+CPMS=",'"',"SM",'"',0x0d,0 ;Select the phone memory ("ME")
select_phone_memory: .db "AT",0x0d,0 ;

AT+CPMS is not required because there is some default selection is already present in modem

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    Points: 2
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Friend which place i am adding in ASM file these lines -select_phone_memory: .db "AT+CPMS=",'"',"ME",'"',0x0d,0 ;Select the phone memory ("ME")
select_phone_memory: .db "AT+CPMS=",'"',"SM",'"',0x0d,0 ;Select the phone memory ("ME")
select_phone_memory: .db "AT",0x0d,0 ;

; written with AVR studio 4.12
; by Serasidis Vasilis
; Home: https://www.serasidis.gr
; email: info@serasidis.gr - avrsite@yahoo.gr
; Target: ATtiny2313 with 4 MHz crystal
; PD0 = RxD
; PD1 = TxD
; PD2-PD5 = 4 RELAYS
; PB0-PB7 = 8 INPUTS.
; Created at 04.Jan.2006 by Vassilis Serasidis
; This source code is distributed under GNU public license (License file is included in the zip file).
; If you don't agree with the license, please do not use this file.

.equ BAUD =25 ;9600 bps at 4.00 MHz.
.equ RamStart =96 ;First RAM address byte.
.equ SMSC =100 ;RAM address for SMS Service Center
.equ TPDA =118 ;RAM address for Sender's number
.equ TimeDate =134 ;RAM address for Time and date of received SMS
.equ ASCII_HEX =185 ;RAM address for ASCII to HEX conversion
.equ SMScommand =150 ;RAM address for encoded SMS command (11001010)
.equ Relay1 =2
.equ Relay2 =3
.equ Relay3 =4
.equ Relay4 =5
.equ good =$10
.equ error =$20

.def eeadr =R17
;.def backup_status_register = r5
.def temp =R16 ;temporary storage register
.def Txbyte =R18 ;Data to be transmitted
.def Rxbyte =R19 ;Received data
.def temp2 =R20
.def temp3 =R21
.def temp4 =R22
.def No_of_relay =R22
.def output =R23
.def Byte_counter =R24
.def Nf_ignore_bytes =R25 ;
.def status =r26

.def delay1 =R26
.def delay2 =R27
.def YLramadr=R28
.def YHramadr=R29
.def delay3 =R29
.def ZLramadr=R30
.def ZHramadr=R31

.include "tn2313def.inc" ;Define chip particulars


.org 0
rjmp reset

;.org OVF0addr ; Timer/Counter0 Overflow
; clr interrupt
; in backup_status_register,SREG
; inc interrupt
; ldi temp,0b11001100
; out portb,temp
; out SREG,backup_status_register
; reti


;read_module_ID: .db "ATI" ,0x0d, 0 ;Show module's ID (GM47)
;enable_clip: .db "AT+CLIP=1" ,0X0d, 0 ;enable CLIP
select_phone_memory: .db "AT+CPMS=",'"',"ME",'"',0x0d,0 ;Select the phone memory ("ME")
set_text_mode: .db "AT+CMGF=1" ,0x0d,0,0 ;Select text mode
;enable_RI_on_SMS: .db "AT*E2SMSRI=1000" ,0x0d, 0 ;Enable Ring pin after incomming SMS.
Hide_SMS_details: .db "AT+CSDH=0", 0x0d,0,0 ;Show only phone number, date-time, text of SMS.
Read_received_sms: .db "AT+CMGR=1" ,0x0d,0,0 ;read the received message(Memory possition 1)
Send_SMS_command: .db "AT+CMGS=",0,0 ;Send SMS command
Delete_SMS: .db "AT+CMGD=1" ,0x0d,0,0 ;delete the received message (Memory possition 1)
Relay: .db "Relay", 0
cmdOut: .db "Input", 0

.db "Written by Serasidis Vasilis at December 2005 "
.db "http://www.serasidis.gr info@serasidis.gr - avrsite@yahoo.gr"


; Setup buffers and pointers

ldi temp,RAMEND
out SPL,temp ;Init Stack Pointer

ldi temp,0b00000000
out DDRB,temp
ldi temp,0b11111111
out portB,temp

ldi temp,0b11111110
out DDRD,temp
ldi temp,0b00000000
out portD,temp

;ldi temp,(1<<CS02)+(0<<CS01)+(1<<CS00)
;out TCCR0,temp ; Set clock to count on CK/1024
;ldi temp,(1<<TOIE0)
;out TIMSK,temp ; enable timer 0 overflow interrupt

ldi temp,BAUD
out UBRR,temp ;Set baud rate generator

;=========== Set UART, as Transmiter ======================

ldi temp,0b00011000
out UCR,temp ;Enable UART Tx and Rx

; Send command to module

rcall long_delay

- - - Updated - - -

Dear Friend I con't compelling this getting ERROR'S

AVRASM: AVR macro assembler 2.1.2 (build 99 Nov 4 2005 09:35:05)
Copyright (C) 1995-2005 ATMEL Corporation

C:\Documents and Settings\ram\Desktop\New Folder (3)\HAI\HAI.asm(52): warning: Register r22 already defined by the .DEF directive
C:\Documents and Settings\ram\Desktop\New Folder (3)\HAI\HAI.asm(58): warning: Register r26 already defined by the .DEF directive
C:\Documents and Settings\ram\Desktop\New Folder (3)\HAI\HAI.asm(62): warning: Register r29 already defined by the .DEF directive
C:\Documents and Settings\ram\Desktop\New Folder (3)\HAI\HAI.asm(66): Including file 'C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\AvrAssembler2\Appnotes\tn2313def.inc'
C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\AvrAssembler2\Appnotes\tn2313def.inc(597): warning: Register r27 already defined by the .DEF directive
C:\Documents and Settings\ram\Desktop\New Folder (3)\HAI\HAI.asm(66): info: 'C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\AvrAssembler2\Appnotes\tn2313def.inc' included from here
C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\AvrAssembler2\Appnotes\tn2313def.inc(598): warning: Register r26 already defined by the .DEF directive
C:\Documents and Settings\ram\Desktop\New Folder (3)\HAI\HAI.asm(66): info: 'C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\AvrAssembler2\Appnotes\tn2313def.inc' included from here
C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\AvrAssembler2\Appnotes\tn2313def.inc(599): warning: Register r29 already defined by the .DEF directive
C:\Documents and Settings\ram\Desktop\New Folder (3)\HAI\HAI.asm(66): info: 'C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\AvrAssembler2\Appnotes\tn2313def.inc' included from here
C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\AvrAssembler2\Appnotes\tn2313def.inc(600): warning: Register r28 already defined by the .DEF directive
C:\Documents and Settings\ram\Desktop\New Folder (3)\HAI\HAI.asm(66): info: 'C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\AvrAssembler2\Appnotes\tn2313def.inc' included from here
C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\AvrAssembler2\Appnotes\tn2313def.inc(601): warning: Register r31 already defined by the .DEF directive
C:\Documents and Settings\ram\Desktop\New Folder (3)\HAI\HAI.asm(66): info: 'C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\AvrAssembler2\Appnotes\tn2313def.inc' included from here
C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\AvrAssembler2\Appnotes\tn2313def.inc(602): warning: Register r30 already defined by the .DEF directive
C:\Documents and Settings\ram\Desktop\New Folder (3)\HAI\HAI.asm(66): info: 'C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\AvrAssembler2\Appnotes\tn2313def.inc' included from here
C:\Documents and Settings\ram\Desktop\New Folder (3)\HAI\HAI.asm(91): error: With: Unknown instruction or macro
C:\Documents and Settings\ram\Desktop\New Folder (3)\HAI\HAI.asm(92): error: Duplicate label: 'select_phone_memory'
C:\Documents and Settings\ram\Desktop\New Folder (3)\HAI\HAI.asm(90): info: previous definition of 'select_phone_memory'

Assembly failed, 2 errors, 9 warnings


first compile ASM file as it is get from Web, and check your AVR environment is properly set for ASM file compilation.
If there is not any compilation error found then replace existing line in ASM file
" select_phone_memory: .db "AT+CPMS=",'"',"ME",'"',0x0d,0 ;Select the phone memory ("ME") "
" select_phone_memory: .db "AT+CPMS=",'"',"SM",'"',0x0d,0 ;Select the phone memory ("ME") "
or try with this line also
" select_phone_memory: .db "AT",0x0d,0 ; "

You need some ASM programming knowledge....

Friend I tried this line........"select_phone_memory: .db "AT+CPMS=",'"',"SM",'"',0x0d,0 ;Select the phone memory ("ME") "
Assembly complete, 0 errors. 9 warnings
But hardware working prose's is same uc showing in Hyper Terminal.........AT+CPMS="SM"

- - - Updated - - -

Dear Friend I have to connected my modem to http://m2msupport.net/m2msupport/module-tester/ Their diagnostic status in (Sim Status) & (connection staus)


SIM is not ready. Possible issues - SIM is not inserted, SIM PIN required, SIM PUK code required.


Device is NOT connected.


Device is NOT connected.



SIM is not ready. Possible issues - SIM is not inserted, SIM PIN required, SIM PUK code required.

But My sim is every thing ok........


  • HAI.rar
    14 KB · Views: 141

Dear Friend when I have to connect my uc (ATTINY2313-20PU) in Hyper Terminal It's reading All command's
But not responding out put 4 Led's and I am also not getting the Reply Message what is my Mistac Please see the capture Text


    1.8 KB · Views: 121

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