why we need program for hardware

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Full Member level 5
Nov 27, 2011
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i know that programing is used to run the task
i want to know why we need software
and how to know which programing is need for hardware

thanks .................

Dear vead
Is it possible that you tell me , that what's your mean clearly , please?
I think your mean is something like microcontrollers or FPGAs or .....etc ? if yes , i think the computer architect book by morris mano can help you more .
Though , the programs will convert to the hex codes , and will send to the micro or ..... . those codes are statues of zeros and ones . and they will keep at a memory at your IC . and the CPU of those ICs will obey those commands. simply !
Best Lucks

Us analog guys don't need no steenkin' programming. Unless
you count trim bits....

thanks goldsmith for quick response
computers are inherently machine capable of simple operations like add, subtract, multiply,divide with the help of basic gates
computer understand instructions in machine language zero voltage and high voltage or sequence of zero or high voltage

now my questions is how program work and how computer read programing language

Hi dear vaed*
At first think about this examples :
if you put 0.6 v on BE junction in bjt , the CE voltage be 0v.
The A/D convert your analog voltage to digital.
you can command to a MUX and send the your data to out... .
you can put a button and do a work.
this button can be key board or mouse or...
almost 4 years ago this was my problem and it was very persecutor for me!;-)

Best wishes
Interesting question...
well...as you know we write a program in C or Java and... .then assembler assembles this code to assembly;-)
Then Compiler copliles the assembly code to machinecode.In fact computer just deals with machine code like 010010101100 .and this is understandable for computer.
For more information you can refer to
Computer Architecture Tutorial


First, I used designing my controller circuits (hardware) using transistors, resistors and capacitors only.
Then I was glad that digital ICs (as the series 7400) were introduced because I was able replacing too many transistors and RCs by one small equivalent IC.
Soon later, my hardware became full of digital ICs (gates, timers, memories, multiplexers, adders... etc).

Now I have the choice to use a single IC as a microcontroller (MCU) in which all the previous digital ICs are, even much more
Almost all pins of an MCU IC are just input/output ones. Yes it is as simple as this. So if a pin is set by software as output, an instruction can set this pin as high or low (close to Vcc or 0). Otherwise it can sense a low/high voltage and an instruction can read it (and save it in an internal register).

The beauty of using an MCU for example is that many features of the controller can be changed or updated just by playing (to me it is like a game) with its simple software codes (using an assembler or a high language as C). I prefer the former since it is closer to the hardware I used to play with in the past so I can take advantage of all parts and features included in the MCU while using simple basic instructions.

In my opinion, your hardest step for you is to let your first MCU control the on/off of an LED for example. After this basic step, you will find yourself invited to a new world in which your mind will keep creating new boards for fun and for serious applications as well

Wish you good luck... but you have to be patient

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first of all i would like to thanks all member who helped me
its very great help for me
thanks everyone

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