@Osawa_Odessa: I took some time to reply,but i found some excellent material from the book "Operation & Modeling of MOS Transistor" by Tsividis. Section 1.4 was on contact potentials.
I clearly explains why you measure Vsource if you keep Voltmeter across material K & L.
Thanks rahdirs!
And sorry for not metioning that I have this book.
Let's call the contact voltages as follows:
metal-p semiconductor junction: V1
p-n junction: Vbi (built in voltage)
n semiconductor -metal junction: V2
We have: V1 + Vbi + V2 =0. Therefore, we can't measure Vbi by using a normal voltmeter.
But I am still confused about Krichoff's law in post #20. Can you explain it now?
By the way, I have just seen you in allaboutcircuits.