Why VHDL is more popular in europe?

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Newbie level 1
Apr 9, 2012
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I am learning and using the VHDL.
I know that the VHDL is based on ADA which is born in American.
But why VHDL and ADA are more popular in Europe.
I really want to know the reason in desire. It is of Culture or some other reasons ?

Thanks, I hope to get the answer from the forum.
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nothign specific.. but depends on the buyers,,, probably marketing strategies made this so......

Two key reasons:

  1. European culture was more heavily reliant on standards than the US was at the time Verilog and VHDL were being developed. VHDL had a head start as an open standard by about 8 years.
  2. Verilog was much more popular for larger ASIC designs, which had performance and capacity demands on their simulations that FPGA designs did not. If you look at the synthesizable subset of both languages, they are very similar in capabilities, but code written in Verilog will have much better performance than the same code written in VHDL. So geographical areas where ASIC design was more popular will also be where Verilog will be more popular.
Verilog is used for backend tool. It could help to be more used.
VHDL was created by/for the DOD.
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