My question is that Why use the Primetime in frontend design?
input file : gate-level netlists (.v), standard delay format (.sdf), synopsys design constraints (.sdc), synopsys database (.db), not use parastic exchange format (.spef) file from starRC
I heard that company (ex. samsung) use the primetime in frontend design.
I need more detail about this problem, not need to say this (ex. faster than DTA)
can anyone tell me this problem?
thank you.
My question is that Why use the Primetime in frontend design?
input file : gate-level netlists (.v), standard delay format (.sdf), synopsys design constraints (.sdc), synopsys database (.db), not use parastic exchange format (.spef) file from starRC
I heard that company (ex. samsung) use the primetime in frontend design.
I need more detail about this problem, not need to say this (ex. faster than DTA)
can anyone tell me this problem?
thank you.