I'm guessing there is something in your code that ends up inferring an extra level, or that the tools have chosen to use a logic element for routing for some reason.
Maybe, this is a possible explanation.
in this case, I'm assuming the DMUX muxes in on path for reset and one for non-reset.
But , I dont think it is like this in this case.
In the following timing path, there is still a SLICE_X62Y251.DMUX at the beginning of the path which has only ONE logic level.
Where the difference btw the 2 paths locates at is the SLICE_X63Y327.CLK with delay type of Tdick at the end of this path.
SO , I suspect that why the above timing path has TWO logic levels is that it has SLICE_X63Y327.CLK with delay type of Tas at the end of its path.
Paths for end point bx6/r_yw1_7 (SLICE_X63Y327.DX), 1 path
Slack (setup path): -0.444ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
Source: t_nextb/b11_0_1 (FF)
Destination: bx6/r_yw1_7 (FF)
Requirement: 4.000ns
Data Path Delay: 4.369ns
(Levels of Logic = 1)
Clock Path Skew: -0.040ns (0.975 - 1.015)
Source Clock: clk_BUFGP rising at 0.000ns
Destination Clock: clk_BUFGP rising at 4.000ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.035ns
Clock Uncertainty: 0.035ns ((TSJ^2 + TIJ^2)^1/2 + DJ) / 2 + PE
Total System Jitter (TSJ): 0.070ns
Total Input Jitter (TIJ): 0.000ns
Discrete Jitter (DJ): 0.000ns
Phase Error (PE): 0.000ns
Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner: t_nextb/b11_0_1 to bx6/r_yw1_7
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Physical Resource
Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- -------------------
SLICE_X62Y251.DMUX Tshcko 0.315 reset_IBUF_589
DSP48_X2Y131.B0 net (fanout=4) 1.391 t_nextb/b11_0_1
DSP48_X2Y131.P7 Tdspdo_B_P_MULT 2.280 bx6/Mmult_yw1x
SLICE_X63Y327.DX net (fanout=1) 0.371 bx6/yw1x<7>
SLICE_X63Y327.CLK Tdick 0.012 bx6/r_yw1<8>
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total 4.369ns (2.607ns logic, 1.762ns route)
(59.7% logic, 40.3% route)