One example, laptop psu have high working temp, inside all parts are compactly placed with heatsinks, case is hermeticaly closed. When you touch laptop adapter from outside you notice that is warm, that means heat pass through plastic case. Also heat can pass through walls, metals,.....
Specially take in consideration allowed working temp of parts, maybe its on some higher temperature.
Do not underestimate heat transfer, even today people struggle to keep heat on one place without losses, and guess who wins for now, and now is 2013. year we have PCs on desks and we looking to find Bozon and Tesla Neutrino? I want to say, even though we have world most top modern technology, we dont know how to keep and save heat on one place, heat always find way to go. :smile:
Additionally each material besides coefficient of heat transfer have and heat capacity. To saturate some volumen of material in this case air and surrounding mass of various materials such as plastics, metals and other parts materials you need adequate amount of power expressed in heat shape.
Take example of house heating in winter, what amount of energy you must give to heat house rooms, or to increase for some celsius degree, if house is big or small, and what if oven is with small capacity. In this example we can say house is heatsink for oven.
This products should be tested on longer running time at direct sun light (UV), on very low-high temperature environment, vibrations, water, high humidity, ... I dont think that they forget to do that. :wink: