Why so many work with PIC32 instead of STM32 or other?

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Junior Member level 3
Apr 17, 2014
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in Germany there mostly worked with ATMEGA oder XMEGA and /OR ARM (STM32)
Why outside of Germany so many people work with PIC32?!?

Is anything better with PIC32?

It's matter of vendors and variety of free code samples with simple compiler (basic - C - Pascal)

University's must rely on outside funding these days to stay alive. This includes samples and support costs. There has always been a rivalry between Altera and Microchip. Altera was always known for the 100$ complex chip and Microchip for the $1 cpu. Now Altera has $5 eight bit micros and Microchip has $5 thirty two bit solutions. THere are many other differences, so it depends whose CPU development system you learned from.

Microchip still leads the world in installed base of uC solutions.
Altera has many other good solutions.

What is your criteria? cost? power? ease of use? or your experience with the tools?

You meant Atmel not Altera. Altera produces programmable logic devices not microcontrollers.

Because in industry, it seems (in Germany) many Products, out of China too, use STM32, often ATmel, sometimes pic...
But in th US Communitys mostly Pics are used!!?
I use AtMega and ATXmega with Pacal from Mircroe, but there are other Pascal Compiler too.
FreePascal ist great, and works with STM32 and other ARM too..
C clearly, work for all.
The Flashing from Xmega is really easy, from Atmega realy good, ARM/STM32 really great..but Pic..I havent tryed it till yet, I bought some, but I can't flash it without special Programmer :-(
Ok, for Xmega you need an PDi Interface , its not so easy than Atmega but this I have allready..so it was easy to convert to XMega..and STM32 btw ARM don't have so many cheap Discovery Boards
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Wich PAscal compiler for PIC does exist?
MikroPascal and then?

yes i mean mikropascal
but I don't understand what is "?" means

according to me it's only depends on requirements.
which controller is availavle easily, having sufficient on chip requirement
and programming knowledge.
i don't think that it's regional based.

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