I cannot understand why there are so few specific Offline Flyback PFC IC's?
The only ones in the world are the NCP1651 and the L6561.
When the PFC regulations were announced recently for all offline SMPS's of 50W and above, it seemed obvious that the 50W PFC's would be implemented with single stage flyback PFC's.....
..since flyback , single stage PFC , is the simplest and cheapest way to get PFC for low power converters.
However, there are only two flyback PFC IC's in the world.
Does any reader know why this is?
...i am wondering if the PFC laws are perhaps less stringent at the 50W level, and maybe engineers are just using 'normal' current mode control IC's in flyback topology, and achieving a decent power factor by simply removing the primary high voltage bus capacitor, and using a slow voltage feedback loop to achieve reasonably high power factor?