Why no reply on a thread that asks for help nowadays?

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Advanced Member level 4
Feb 18, 2008
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In the past, there were a lot of people replying the thread when people are asking for help. But nowadays it's really hard to find some help. Most of the thread will be no reply or only 1-2 replies. You can notice from any thread in any section.

Not many people using this forum nowadays or what happen? I remember there were so many people replied the thread and gave some helps when people ask for in the past.

I wish it will be the same as before.

I can't confirm the observation. There are some posters however, that are ignored rightly, in my opinion:
- Notorious crossposters
- People, who don't manage to phrase a (at least in part) understandable question
- Students, who want to copy their homework without at least minimal thinking of their own

I concur with FvM. But anishjp, if a newbie without any 'helped' points ask a question, would that mean he would never get any help from you? Barring of course the said newbie satisfies the three no-nos mentioned by FvM.

I reviewed some of mazdaspring's questions, that haven't been answered, mostly related to MatLab and digital communication. I fear, they haven't been read by someone, who could give a meaningful answer. They are rather specific.

It may be the case, that experts read them, but haven't been sufficiently motivated to answer. Personally, I would try to explain more detailed what I really need to know, possibly what I'm doing with that stuff. Just as an additional motivation.

2 reasons
1) people post the question in very wrong way. what can you make out of this subject"help me ........ it is urgent"
people should pose the question in the subject box.......

2) they do not want to work with hint. they want a step by step manual......

both are counter productive and harmful to the person who posts them.


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