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why my FPGA can't work?could anyone help me

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Newbie level 4
Newbie level 4
Nov 26, 2004
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i have developed my FPGA board using EP1C3T100(CYCLONE) .I use "AS+JTAG"
configration model,but! when i config my FPGA using JTAG ,the log show"can't access JTAG chain".when i using "AS" model ,it can programe EPCS1 chip, but the verifcation is wrong.i have example my board several times. but i can find why?

Hello zgq0319,

Perhaps there is a design failure in the schematic. Did you connected all like Altera is doing in there configuration schemes? Did you checked the power supply on each pin of the FPGA?


yes! i have designed the fpga board strictly following the cyclone datasheet.i have also refered to cyclone DSK schematic.the download cable "byteblaster2" which i have bought from market i think may have no problem.The fpga EP1C3t100 's power supply is OK,when i using "AS" mode, the FPGA can generate "DCLK" clock,i can view the clock generated by FPGA in oscillograph.when i power up the FPGA,the "nstatus" ping can give a high status"1".
that means the FPGA reset correctly.but i can't solve the problem.

Hello zgq0319,

Do you have the possibility to check your ByteBlaster II cable? I have made the experience that the cable doesn’t work with some notebooks. Did you checked all the wire on the board and of the cable for a proper connection?


thanks ! i have checked all the wire on the board of the cable,and the connection
is OK.Now i have no chioce but to design my own "byteblaster2".

zgq0319 said:
thanks ! i have checked all the wire on the board of the cable,and the connection
is OK.Now i have no chioce but to design my own "byteblaster2".

1) Check your BB2 with another board, which is exactly working.
2) Try to configure your chip using another configuration scheme. I advice you JTAG configuration. Anyway, it would be easier and sooner to solder a couple of wires then to make own BB2.

PS. Don't forget about MSELx pins!

I think you should modify the programmer.
Try adding a small capacitor (100p - 470p) between the input of the TCK signal
buffer and the GND. It usually helps.

Hello zgq0319,

It is easier to build up a ByteBlaster MV than a ByteBlaster II. The BB MV can be done on a breadboard. Don’t you have the possibility to check your BB II with a working PCB in your company/university/friends?


ok,, i have this prob b4.. dunno is the same error...

the prob is the driver of ur byte blaster is corrupted,,,

the easiest way is to install again the standalone programmer on the quartus CD,, then u try again,,,

everything should b fine,,, if not,, then it would b hardware failure D...


thanks all! Now i have sovle my problem,i adding a small capacitor (220p) between the input of the TCK signal
buffer and the GND,and then the FPGA works very good.

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