Real world, verification is much more than 50% of design time. I have read books that say 70% atleast. Verification is carried out by writing VHDL which is essentially not synthesizable, and it does not have to be synthesizable anyway. Mind you, as the process technology size has been decreasing as per Moor's law, the design complexity has also been increasing exponentially. Just think what that means, it means that the designs being carried out today are a lot more complex than those carried out 10 years ago. The tools used for design have advanced too, but this more complex design has to be carried out in less time than it would be if it was done 10 years ago, and use almost the same number of engineers working on it. How do we meet the time and cost constraints then? We use things called Hardware Verification Languages (HVL) for verification and often some people are given the task of verification only, their title is Hardware Verification Engineer.
VHDL is good for Hardware Description. It has been used for a very long time and so has Verilog. However, they are not HVL, they are both HDL even though they can also be used for hardware verification. HVL are a different category, and they are high level languages like C++ designed exclusively for verification purpose. The popular ones are today SystemVerilog which is a superset of Verilog and SystemC which is C++ with special library extensions that enable one to write digital hardware verification programs.
I am telling you this since you should be aware of what is happening in the real world. HVL emerged in late 90s and have really picked up after mid 2000s as far as I am aware. The reason is not only that people want to verify more complex designs in less time and save money but also because the HVL language tools have improved and they have more features thanks to the backing up of IEEE, taking up defining them (SystemVerilog and SystemC) and evolving them to where they are today.