Why is there no modulation index for digital communication?

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modulation index

Do you actually know what is modulation index and what are the differences betwen analog and digital modulation ???
Re: modulation index


In digital PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) the concept of modulation index is present and similar to its analog counterpart. Can you be more precise in your question and let us know what makes you think there is no MI in the digital domain ?
Re: modulation index

gnjus said:
Do you actually know what is modulation index and what are the differences betwen analog and digital modulation ???
what is the diffrance can u explain

Added after 2 minutes:

sunderwood said:

In digital PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) the concept of modulation index is present and similar to its analog counterpart. Can you be more precise in your question and let us know what makes you think there is no MI in the digital domain ?
in analog we are giving more important MI.but digital we are not at all considering.
so i thinked why this term vanished

Re: modulation index


In the example i mentioned (digital PWM), the MI is the ratio between the duty cycle (modulated) variable and the PWM timer period, possibly taken with respect to its midpoint.
If MI >= 1, you will get full duty cycle, like in the analog domain. Depending on the application, this may not be desirable, and the MI should be taken into account just like in the analog domain.

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