Advanced Member level 6

An investigation of Current mode, offline, Flyback chips and their App notes shows none do the feedback loop calculation well.
All that needs to be done, ayk, is to convert the flyback into the equivalent buckboost, and then apply the buckboost equation (whuich is seen in the below app note by microsemi)
For example, the attached LTspice is an np/ns = 84/19 flyback, with vout = 24v and vin = 88V.
Fsw = 65khz.
When converted to buckboost, the vin becomes some 19v, since the duty cycle must be same.
Refer things to sec side, since the sec side has any post LC filter. So just make the Rsense = Rsense * (ns/np)^2.
Flyback feedback loop equations: (page 9)
Its Not even worth applying the transfer function that includes the slope compensation, since it wont affect the crossover frequency anyway. Without the slope, the transfer function bode plot will show the peaking due to the sub harmonic oscillation, but this is at approx Fsw/2…well above your crossover frequency. You will of course, if necessary, apply slope compensation as per downslope/2, or a little less, if your max duty cycle is just 0.55, say.
Page 10 of the following shows how to get the overall transfer function when you also have a post LC filter..
*..Practical feedback loop considerations for switch mode power supplies:
Why do the semicos not cover this subject well?
An investigation of Current mode, offline, Flyback chips and their App notes shows none do the feedback loop calculation well.
All that needs to be done, ayk, is to convert the flyback into the equivalent buckboost, and then apply the buckboost equation (whuich is seen in the below app note by microsemi)
For example, the attached LTspice is an np/ns = 84/19 flyback, with vout = 24v and vin = 88V.
Fsw = 65khz.
When converted to buckboost, the vin becomes some 19v, since the duty cycle must be same.
Refer things to sec side, since the sec side has any post LC filter. So just make the Rsense = Rsense * (ns/np)^2.
Flyback feedback loop equations: (page 9)
Its Not even worth applying the transfer function that includes the slope compensation, since it wont affect the crossover frequency anyway. Without the slope, the transfer function bode plot will show the peaking due to the sub harmonic oscillation, but this is at approx Fsw/2…well above your crossover frequency. You will of course, if necessary, apply slope compensation as per downslope/2, or a little less, if your max duty cycle is just 0.55, say.
Page 10 of the following shows how to get the overall transfer function when you also have a post LC filter..
*..Practical feedback loop considerations for switch mode power supplies:
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Why do the semicos not cover this subject well?
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