In this circuit ( see photo ), the block corresponding to the operational amplifier is a capacity multiplier. The 555's block is the traditional astable oscillator working with the capacitor "multiplied".
My problem is that during the simulation in pspice, I get the message “ERROR -- Less than 2 connections at node N08754”. I have been trying for hours to find out what is happening but with no results. ( see photo )
Can someone give me a solution or correct this problem? He is driving me crazy. I have loaded and the relevant files ( see simulation files **broken link removed** ).
Re: Why I got PSPICE error message as"Less than 2 connections at node N08754"
A popular error (serially reported in Edaboard threads) with Orcad schematic entry is to use libraries without SPICE models. You need to refer to the dedicated simulation libraries, not general PCB design libraries. You can find out by inspecting the symbol properties.
Re: Why I got PSPICE error message as"Less than 2 connections at node N08754"
As FvM suggested try replacing the existing TLC271 symbol in your schematic with the one from <installdir>/tools/capture/library/pspice/tex_inst.olb library. This should resolve this issue.