Member level 1

According to the equation of Ids=1/2K'W/L(Vgs-Vt) (in saturation), the Ids should increase with the ration of W/L. When I use Pspice to do the simulation, I can't observe the increase in Ids in the saturation region. I am using Level 1 model, and the parameter is :
VTO=1.4 KP=0.05e-3 LAMBDA=0.05
and I set the width W as the parameter to do the parameteric sweep. My intention is to observe the increase in Ids with increasing the ration of W/L. There are five different W/L are set, but they give me same curve for Ids versus Vgs.
If anybody can help me to explain it, and would you please show me how to obeserve the variation of Ids when I change the W/L.
According to the equation of Ids=1/2K'W/L(Vgs-Vt) (in saturation), the Ids should increase with the ration of W/L. When I use Pspice to do the simulation, I can't observe the increase in Ids in the saturation region. I am using Level 1 model, and the parameter is :
VTO=1.4 KP=0.05e-3 LAMBDA=0.05
and I set the width W as the parameter to do the parameteric sweep. My intention is to observe the increase in Ids with increasing the ration of W/L. There are five different W/L are set, but they give me same curve for Ids versus Vgs.
If anybody can help me to explain it, and would you please show me how to obeserve the variation of Ids when I change the W/L.