Why I can not do timing analyzing? please help me

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Sep 4, 2005
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When I do timing analyzing by SOC Encounter, the terminal prompt me : Timing graph must be built before running "reportSlacks"
and erenow when I build time graphy, the terminal give me the following warning:

Reading timing constraint file '../design/top.sdc' ...
**WARN[line 20]: Skipped invalid point odsp_mode
**WARN[line 21]: Skipped invalid point odsp_mode
**WARN[line 215]: Skipped invalid point odsp_mode
**WARN[line 215]: Empty -from list associated with set_false_path statement
**WARN[line 217]: Skipped invalid point core/oe_pad
*info: set_clock_latency : 2 accepted, 0 skipped!
*info: create_clock : 2 accepted, 0 skipped!
*Info: refer to log file for more detail on skipped constraints if any
*** Mark 1491 set_logic ignored terminals ***
*** Read timing constraint file (0:00:00.0) ***
*** Constant propagation (69 ignored terminals) (cpu=0:00:00.0 mem=192.8M) ***
*** Mark 15295 ignored terminals (0:00:00.2) ***
*** Initialize timing graph (0 nodes, 0 edges) (cpu=0:00:00.0 mem=192.8M) ***
**WARN: Empty timing graph!!!

any point of view is thankful !

any point of view is thankful !

Maybe you just forgot to build timing graph before report timing.
So just type the following command, before reportSlacks
encounter> buildTimingGraph
encounter> reportSlacks

-- You can use the super command for timing report,
encounter> timeDesign [-preCTS | -postCTS | -postRoute]


    Points: 2
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check ur timing constraints file or try the related commands to build the timing graph.



    Points: 2
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I have updated my .SDC file and .v file,and now the warning does not exit, but when I do the in place optimization, a prompt warning in error application window as this:
Timing graph must be built before running "isTimingMet"
so I can not use IPO to fix setup time violation correctly. how can I solve it, need for your advice.

Added after 2 minutes:

ow,there are also a few warning in the terminal I have omited,
--> WARNING: Pin 'core/DOUT_regR8R/D' is driven 'ZERO' and 'X' simultaneously,
--> WARNING: Pin 'core/DOUT_regR23R/D' is driven 'ZERO' and 'X' simultaneously,
preserving 'X.' <TA-549>.
--> WARNING: Pin 'core/DOUT_regR24R/D' is driven 'ZERO' and 'X' simultaneously,
preserving 'X.' <TA-549>.

1) Build timing graph
>> Timing graph must be built before running "isTimingMet"

--> Just like mentioned above, maybe you need to do is
encounter> buildTimingGraph

2) What command did you use to do IPO ?
>> so I can not use IPO to fix setup time violation correctly
--> Not quite understand what did you mean.

encounter> placeDesign -inPlaceOpt

--> Just perform optDesign -preCTS

encounter> optDesign -preCTS
shoud be able to do trial route, extract RC and report timing automatically.

3) WARNING(s), 'xxx' is driven 'ZERO' and 'X' simultaneously

--> Need to check the timing constraint (SDC file).
--> There must be multiple paths reach at these pin at the same time.

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