Why Ensemble is not in the Ansoft product list?

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Jan 21, 2003
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I am just curious why Ensemble is not there in the Ansoft product list? And also no upgrede...a good software though

:!: :idea: :?:

When Ansoft designer will be officially released ?
Sometimes , I could feel that Serenade Design Suite is more suitable for some certain MW problems. Especially OSC analysis and simulation is unique regarding to ADS. And sometime this gives more accurate results in Harmonic Balance Simulations than AD and the others.
The first simulator that I have learned..

I missed it..

I see..what is the current version now?

Many times Ensemble resuls are not satisfactory but many times it was very helpful for me. Ensemble supports meshing at any frequency where as say IE3D uses meshing at the maximum frequency. Though accuracy suffers but it gives a good idea about the structure.

:!: :idea: :?:

wave-maniac said:
Dear g86;

It is included in "An$oft Designer".
BTW, do you really miss Ensemble? Was the accuracy satifactory for you?


Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2003 2:12 pm Post subject:


I see..what is the current version now?

Many times Ensemble resuls are not satisfactory but many times it was very helpful for me. Ensemble supports meshing at any frequency where as say IE3D uses meshing at the maximum frequency. Though accuracy suffers but it gives a good idea about the structure.

wave-maniac wrote:
Dear g86;

It is included in "An$oft Designer".
BTW, do you really miss Ensemble? Was the accuracy satifactory for you?



As far as I know, the last version was 8.0, and that one is at least on year old.
The newest one is included in ansoft designer, I have no idea how good it is.
I have downloaded free version Ensemble SV , which is version 7, but is still fine for small patch antennas or microstrip traces. Big drawback - metal layers can not have any thickness. :roll:

Any thickness of the metal layers can be defined

As far as I know, in the last version was 8.0, any thickness of the metal layers can be defined when 3D Edge Port Model is selected!!!

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