Why does Setup time of a flipflop depend on frequency ??

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Newbie level 6
Nov 30, 2009
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Can someone please explain why setup time of a flipflop depends on frequency....of the clock....??



I'm unsure what you are talking about. Maybe it's the other way round.

--> please give some context, best a link to an according document.


Let me reframe the question....

When setup time occurs we remove it by reducing the frequency or increasing the time period...
Why is that the case ??

There could be a correlation between setup time
and max toggle across technologies.

As you approach the max clock capability there's
a good chance that some nodes are not fully
settled and so setup time might change slightly.
But I'd expect this only to apply to "edgy"
ranges, not a proportionality across decades
of clock frequency.
--- Updated ---

Let me reframe the question....

When setup time occurs we remove it by reducing the frequency or increasing the time period...
Why is that the case ??
You are not changing the required setup time.
You are changing the actual time you gave it,
to encompass that required setup time, by
making the period longer than the inter-register
logic that is the source of the lag.

Sorry for the confusion.... it's not setup time but setup violation.
Let me reframe the question....

When setup violation occurs we remove it by reducing the frequency or increasing the time period...
Why is that the case ??

The problem is about understanding how synchronous logic works (copied from Synopsys Timing Constraints and Optimization User Guide)


It's got to do with the active edge..... why are hold checks done at the same edge...while setup checks done at consecutive edges... ?? Can someone please explain ??

I could continue with retelling respective documents, e.g. said Synopsys Timing Constraints and Optimization User Guide. However, that's basic logic design stuff, why not read the documents yourself? You can come back if you have additional questions.

Yet another question re-frame suggestion for you from my side:
"Please point me to freely available documents/atricles where I can read about and understand about setup and hold time violations".

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