Why do we need to put PCB inside a (metal) box?

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Jul 2, 2005
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Putting PCB inside a box


I wanted to know why do we need to put a PCB inside a Metal (or any other conducting material ) Box ?

Is the PCB's ground should be shorted to the Box so that the Box also acts as a ground?

If the Box is grounded to the PCB's ground, EMI that goes on the box making the metal box noisy and so the PCB's ground will be noisier?

I will apprichiate if anyone could help me and give me some material where can I learn such things.

Best Regards,

Re: Putting PCB inside a box


Re: Putting PCB inside a box

A metal box is sometimes used to either stop unwanted radiation from a circuit, or to shield a circuit from picking up unwanted noise )either RF or low frequency hum).

For RF shielding, it is pretty important that the board ground plane be attached to the box at every point that a signal is going thru the box wall. This explains the extensive use of coaxial connectors, that insure the circuit ground is attached to the box ground at the connector. If you tried, for instance, to run a coaxial cable thru a metal box wall without making a grounding connection, you might as well throw the box away, since the outside of the coaxial cable will be a re-radiating antenna now.

The whole concept revolves around the idea of a Faraday Shield. If you have an unbroken metal box around something, there is no way for ground currents to get from the inside surface to the outside surface of the box, so there is no re-radiation from currents floating around on the outside surface of the box.

Now most metal boxes are copper/aluminum/steel/nickle, and are there to stop electromagnetic fields. These boxes have little or no effect on magnetic fields (like 60 Hz hum from a big transformer or motor). To stop magnetic noise, you need a mu metal box.

Re: Putting PCB inside a box

when every part of the circuit need isolation, then a metal box can help you to do this!

Re: Putting PCB inside a box

Metallic Box is a killer of electromagnetic radiation (waves and fields).
It might not be a massive box to protect your circuit or to prevent
radiation from your circuit. You can also use boxes made by 'wires'.
As long as the distance of the wires smaller than the wavelength,
the wave penetration is small.

However, you must be aware, that the box does not make additional
resonances, that can destruct your circuit.


Re: Putting PCB inside a box

Is the ground inside the box should be connected to the metal box surface at one point only or at every point where there is a signal going outside of the box?

If EMI is covering the metal box - where does the EMI vanishes? is he transformed into current which goes to the ground and doesn't disturb the signal?


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