Why do I get this warning? " .... does not appear in the sensitivity list....."
I get following warning because of the RTL that is followed. You can see that the signal in_from_vn[1972] (The same problem is with in_from_vn[1973]) that's being read in the always block IS in the sensitivity list but I get warning.
Can someone tell me what might be wrong and what the correct code should be to avoid this warning!?
**************** THE WARNING ******************
Warning: /root/mycode/f.v:100: 'in_from_vn[1972]' is being read, but does not appear in the sensitivity list of the block. (ELAB-292)
..... 'in_from_vn[1973]' is being read, but does not appear in the sensitivity list of the block. (ELAB-292)
***************** THE RTL *************************
always @ (in_from_vn[1972][3:0] or in_from_vn[1973][3:0])
if(in_from_vn[1972][3:0] < in_from_vn[1973][3:0])
begin min11_509=in_from_vn[1972][3:0]; min21_509=in_from_vn[1973][3:0]; inorder509_01=0; end
begin min11_509=in_from_vn[1973][3:0]; min21_509=in_from_vn[1972][3:0]; inorder509_01=1; end