Digital data is a series of ones and noughts. if you send 1010101, its a square wave (equal on and off times). Analysing a square wave, it comprises of a fundamental frequency(F) and odd harmonics , 3 F, 5F, 7F. Normaly if the fundemental gets through the system, the other components can be generated. So if you send one, nought (10) over a 1mS, this works out at a frequency (F) of 2 X 1/.001 = 500 HZ. If you send it over one microsecond, the frequency is 1000 times more ( 500,000 HZ). Your transmission system must have the bandwidth to handle these frequencies. Also if you data stream is 1,1,1,1,1,1,1. . . , its effectively a DC level so the system must be able to send this also. There are many systems designed to break up a long chain of ones or noughts to overcome the need for a true DC response.