Who will translate this doc about mc6805 for me??

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Jul 19, 2004
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alternative of mc6805

Please translate this doc for me!
Tnx in advance

about mc6805

Here's the first two pages translated from Spanish, courtesy of WorldLingo.

**broken link removed**

hope it helps some.


1. Introduction

The use of embedded sequential processors

within complex designs it is an alternative

of habitual use when, along with a task of

high performance, it is necessary to take care of

applications of low speed andor complexity

algorítmica so that they make advisable certain

type of sequential processing.

The 10 nowadays solutions that are [ ]

they are different in two great groups:

· simple microcontrollers: of the type

6805[8 ], 6502 or 8051[1 ], or similars, whose

more important comparative advantage is

little use of resources, and whose application

typical it is the interphase to the user or others

applications of low speed like

keyboards, displays, or communication mouths

asynchronous. In all the cases they are designs

that they are compiled next to the design of the user


· processors of high performance: like

NIOS[4 ], ARM[2 ], MIPS [ 3 ], oriented a

tasks of complex processing, of discharge

performance, that they consume important

amount of logical resources. Whereas

processor NIOS is soft-Core as much

ARM as MIPS corresponds a

hardware solutions that offer

processor predefined already wiring in

dice chip ("hard-Core").

The serial design adapts specially to

design of simple microcontrollers, then

it diminishes in important form

requirements of ruteado (connections and keys)

at the cost of requiring several cycles of clock by

each byte that is transferred; nevertheless, this

temporary penalty is less and less

important thanks to the high speed of

clock that tolerates the new families of logic

programmable. As well, the smaller exigency of

resources of conexionado makes possible to distribute

design throughout a chip and to take advantage of

hollows that the system of Place&Route has

left when rutear the discharge stages free


The commitment of design between speed of

operation and use of resources of conexionado no

it happens only within the area of the logic

programmable: for example, the family of

microcontroller of Harvard architecture

modified COP8SAx de National [ 11, 12, 13]

it operates with a clock of 10MHz, at the rate of

instruction cycle each 10 cycles of clock, and

although its operation does not present/display differences

with the one of other devices of 8 bits where

processing is in parallel, internally

operation is serial (in each instruction cycle

the serialización of 8 bits is made).

diminution of the ruteado complexity of and

smaller amount of lines than exchanges

simultaneously it determines that these

processors are economic and generate

a level of electromagnetic interference

(EMI) until 20dB smaller to the one of processors

similars operating to equal number of MIPS.

Another interesting example is the one of

Transputers, where the use of connections series

(Serial Links) between processors it facilitates

connectivity [ 15 ].

This article presents/displays certain general concepts of

design of 6 seriales processors [ ] and analyzes

architectonic advantages of the family

FLEX10K[5 ] of ALTERS for this type of

designs, taking as particular case for

certain examples functional modules of

processor COP8SAx type. In addition, it looks for

to show how through a careful design

that it considers the characteristics of the family of

FPL to use, it is possible to obtain a great one

efficiency of use of resources.

2. General considerations for

design of processors

When designing a dice processor, in order to try

to arrive at an optimal design becomes necessary

to analyze the different actors from the CPU as much

(registries, memories, calculation units,

address units, modules of

decoding) like the information flow

(of instructions, data and control) required

between these actors during the execution of

possible 7 instructions [ ]. East fact analysis,

the advantages must be considered architectonic

that it offers the technology to use, having in

it tells that certain solutions comply

better than others to certain type of architectures

In a processor HARVARD type like

COP8SAx can be identified like actors a

the registries To, B, X and SP, the devices of

IOr, the memory of data (DM) and the memory of

program (PM), and certain functional blocks

necessary for decoding of instructions

(YOU GO) and generation of directions (AG). A

it differentiates from the 6805, in a COP8SAx

registries B, X, SP and the iOr they are also

addressable in the space of data.

For the interconnection of these actors they exist

several buses, each one of which it presents/displays

particular characteristics:

· the bus of program directions (PAB)

it has an only origin (AG) and an only destiny

(p.m.), and it can be of 10 to 12 bits. In one

application of FPL agrees that the wide one of

this bus is parametrizable according to

requirements of this application.

· the bus of program contents (PCB)

it has an only origin (PM) and like possible

destinies to YOU GO, to the AG, to the DAB or the DCB.

· the bus of directions of data (DAB) is

bus of 8 bits that it has like possible origins

to the p.m. (direct address), to

registries B or X (indexed addressging),

or to the SP (handling of the battery), and like possible

destiny to the DM, IOr, B, X and SP.

· the bus of data (DCB) transports

information from the p.m., To, or the space of

memory of data towards A or to the space of

memory of data. The complexity of this

information flow is given by

existence of multiple actors mappings in

this space of memory of data (multiple

origins, multiple destinies) as well as by

existence of certain instructions (XeXchange)

where two data interchange a

the time, between A and the other actor.

The internal buses of a processor can

to be solved by means of bidirectional buses and

buffers tristate or by means of multiplexors [ 7,

14], and each one of these solutions presents/displays

certain advantages and disadvantages:

· the use of bidirectional buses and

buffers tri-state diminishes the use of resources

of wiring, but it generates the risk of "buscontention"

(two exits exciting the bus

simultaneously with opposite values),

doing necessary to consider times of

it keeps and circuits of security that sometimes

they annul the wiring advantages.

· the ruteado one of unidirectional buses

by means of multiplexors it is inherently

surely, more express, and it allows certain degree of

concurrence, although at the cost of the consumption

of greater resources of wiring.

3. Considerations of design using


When making the design of a device using

family FLEX10K of ALTERS must have itself in

she counts his architecture:

3.1. The logical elements (Them): they are

elementary constructive elements

("atomic") of family FLEX, and

they compose of a stage combinatoria based on

the use of tables (or LUT) of 16 bits (4 entrances)

followed of an optional registry. The reduced ones

dimensions of each HIM and the great amount of

they cause that family FLEX10K lends a

designs that make use intensive of registries.

In addition, they have the capacity to Them of

to form itself in a called way arithmetic,

where an auxiliary function called CARRY

CHAIN allows to discharge propagation efficiency

of Carry between contiguous Them for

accomplishment of sumadores, accountants or others

numerical circuits. Also they offer one

called function CASCADE CHAIN that

it allows to make the logical AND of the exits of

Contiguous them, and thus to facilitate the calculation of

certain functions of many variables (great


When gliding a design, and previous to go to details of

design, it agrees therefore to consider like

to obtain the maximum advantage of these

"atomic" elements.


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