Who use Triscend Chip serie E5

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I have done 4 designs with the E5 .. I was one of the first COSTUMERS of triscend ..and got very close to them !.. what do you need to know?
May be an advice for a project?

Hi eltonjohn,

I looking just some schematic with just E5 + Flash + RAM.

Best regards Christophe
(I'm French for infomation)

Salut Cristophe .. Ca fait plaisir !
On va continuer en anglais ..( Ce sont les regles du site)

Listen friend.. if you visit the Trsicend site .you'll find plenty of application notes on the rams and flash ... I came up with very nice solution . There are some new memories called COMBO .. they contain FLASH & SRAM in the same package ..(two separate chip selects). the price is lower than if you had it on different chips .. But the great thing is that this simplifies the board layout! . A E5 + a combo and you have a very powerful system
Now to affect the 51 classical memory ports ... you have ORCAD libs and in vhdl ...The soft by triscend ..(you can download a demo up 256 cell .thas more than enough for good design) has also a PIN editor .. where you can affect the signals to a particular physical PIN

otherwise visit the www.xess.com they used to sell a board call mycsoc
i have several of those boards .Download the doc ..there is the scehematics there ..all full .
Sante (cheers)

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