White LEDs give off ultra violet light?

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When I worked for Panasonic LED TV's, we weren't allowed to have led load banks in the open...we had to put them in a closed opaque box in case there was emission of ultra violet light from the white leds.
Do white LEDs emit in the untra violet range?

Wikipedia on led says this...
A concern is that UV light may leak from a malfunctioning light source and cause harm to human eyes or skin.

wiki also says somesemiconductors in some leds emit uv...how do we know that cheap Chinese leds don't emit UV?
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Apparently not.
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The light spectrum given by the LED chip is highly specific. As well the phosphor combination. It's seem as a problem in some applications, and why it took so long to develop some colors and why the cost of some colors is higher than others.
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The primary wavelength is blue or shorter, the phosphor
blend downconverts to several longer wavelengths. But
no phosphor is 100% capture-efficient; same with the
old fluorescent bulbs.

Now whether it's blue, violet or ultraviolet, you'd probably
have to drill down into the vendor to find out, and they
are probably not real keen to tell you especially if it's
UV. You might deduce it from the spectral charts if
those are available; if there's no odd runty-looking peak
in the blue or violet range and the spectrum axis is
truncated below UV, then that would be suspicious.
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