Which spacing (pitch) smaller than 0.1-inch (2.54mm) has cheapest headers and cables?

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Full Member level 3
Jul 26, 2006
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3rd Rock From Sun
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The 0.1-inch (2.54mm) header is very popular, but takes up a lot of PCB space for higher number pin counts, i.e. 2x10 header.

If all 0.1-inch headers and related parts disappeared, then what smaller spacing (pitch) would you choose?

- Smaller spacing (pitch) than 0.1-inch (2.54mm).
- Board-to-board cables must be cheap or reasonable priced.
- PCB male or female header / connectors must be cheap.
- PCB connectors should be available in straight and right-angle. Right-angle useful for connecting 2 PCB immediate next to each other.
- Tin is ok, but MUST be available as gold-plated too.

- Please provide some links to sources, especially to cheap sources for parts. I don't care where they are manufactured.

- The PCB parts and cable parts all must be reasonable price. Please exclude solutions that have dirt cheap headers but expensive cables.

January 3, 2012 - I'm now giving away points for all new answers, and more points to people that link to a web page where I can purchase cheap pre-assembled cables. By pointing me, I mean point me at the web page that has the cable instead of pointing me at the top home page for a company. I'm also looking for cheap PCB connectors that cables will mate too. Thanks in advance!
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I believe 2mm pitch connectors are quite common too.
January 3, 2012 - I'm now giving away points for all new answers, and more points to people that link to a web page where I can purchase cheap pre-assembled cables. By pointing me, I mean point me at the web page that has the cable instead of pointing me at the top home page for a company. I'm also looking for cheap PCB connectors that cables will mate too. Thanks in advance!
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Yeah, Samtec rocks and I've known about them since the late 80's, but I was hoping that someone would send me to links to dirt cheap solutions. Thanks anyway.

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