Which software is good for beginners

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Full Member level 6
Sep 17, 2009
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Hi i am new in field of Programming. I have Universal programmer
which MCU should i start to make my basics strong and which is best software for programming
Keil , Mplap or something else

i think BASIC language is easy..i start learning to program the PIC16F877A using MPLab(Assembly) but its really hard..Then i start searching another alternative way.. I found Proton IDE software that allow me to program the PIC using Basic language. for 3 month i already know how to do serial communication.

8051 for first time learners.
c for programming.
you can change the MCU and language after you gain confidence.

use Bascom for 8051

mplab is the easiest, since assembly is the simplest of all languages I think you should get started with it, then upgrade to C.

C and assembly are the most commonly used languages in embedded systems development.

I started out with MPASM, then moved on to CCS C compiler.


Well think you will find its a choice of the AVR or PIC micros in the diy market place, they are both well supported in forums like this and all over the web.

There are many other micro systems from many maunufacturers but these are much less supported.

My choice was the Pic, which is well supported by Microchips free software.
Their MPLAB is not a programming language, but an enviroment used to bring all the different languages together to produce the .hex progam code etc etc.
It comes with their Assembler MPASM already loaded and you can add in other free C compliers as you want.

Many say starting with Assembler will teach you much more about the actual workings of the Pic chip and then later you can move onto C as this is needed for the big projects like USB etc. ( you can still do a heck of a lot with assembler though)

Keil is very good and target the most dominant processors.

if you are starting now, I would chose something that has more legs in terms of its expected life. I would focus on the 32-bit market if you have to choose one. Any of the arm chips, particularly the cortex-mx chips, would fit the bill. the lower-end ones come with an integrated debugger (lpcxpresso or the upcoming stm32 value line discovery), for less than $30 (about $7 for stm32 discovery), plus free ide / compiler (with some limitations).

with more money, you can go with keil - the best development suite I have used so far. and they support lots of platforms as well.

I would try to avoid the 8-bit chips. if you have to go with one of them, pick the avr, or even the stm8s as they offer considerably more than the pics at the same price, and offer upward mobility (the peripherals on the stm8 are compatible with those on the bigger stm32 chips).

Hi moonnightingale,

I think, to get you started real fast, you need two tools ( mikrobasic and Isis Proteus ).

You write your program with mikrobasic and you see your program working in Isis Proteus.

I have prepared a simple LED blinking Project with Pic16f877a to get you going.

Thanks a lot
Kindly tell me are these softwares free of cose
mikrobasic and Isis Proteus

And i am happy to see that u r from Nigeria
I also went to Lagos and Abbok once. Good country

I think PIC as microcontroller and MickroC Pro as compiler these two very fun and easy. Also you can check you project by Proteus.

It depends on how much you allready know and what depth you want to get to, assembler and C are fairly involved straight off for a newcomer, allthough if you want to do serious work then these are the best tools to use.
If your looking for something dead easy that is more fun than studying and you dont want to do anything advanced then the
Pic basic seems to be popular in schools, the pic basic stamp being common.
The basic stamp is a pcb with a pic on board and is designed to be simple to understand and program, it is limited in capacity and function, it will get you used to micrcontrollers though without pulling your hair out.
(experienced pic people will now be queing up to have a go at me).

Hi, dr pepper

Precisely the point i was trying to make. The easier the better for a beginner.
Pic basic seems even easier than mikrobasic, not too sure though.

However,the beginner will grasp the art of programming very fast and move on to
trying something with more challenge.


hi gyes
how are you hope fit n fine all
my experience is in flowcode and i think flowcode is best software for the beginner and professional
just put & drop its a very easy and great software i am not programmer but now i am write our
personal mcu i am make many project on flowcode and fell very good experince i give the link where download flowcode
download site and also give you video link just see and deside what is the best and esay

(Matrix Multimedia - Flowcode graphical programming languages for microcontrollers - rapid electronic development kits)

( Flowcode Demo Video - YouTube)


  • fc1.JPG
    59.4 KB · Views: 155
Hi qayyoum,
I have not seen anything that suggests that this flowcode of yours is easy.

@moonnightingale - Hi, the answer to your question would start with what sort of an application you have in mind. In any case start by reading from where you don't know. Break it down to small pieces while you do that or else microcontrollers can very easily seem overwhelming.

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