Now the question is which way I could put the "single" transistor. I know that one should adopt the all transistor in same orientation but in this case it is more convinient to put him horizontally (the single) and the other in the vertical.
What you guys can suggest?
Do you want to match that single transistor with the rest? Because it cannot be matched properly and you can affect already matched structure in negative way.
If it would be my call I would put him vertical and split him into two fingers.
EDIT: By the way, can I short the gates on both sides or it is not recommended? (more parasitic capacitances, right?)
My tech is UMC130nm.
I usually contact each side of gate poly if transistors width is significant. And this is that case. But if I want to keep parasitic cap small as possible only one contacted side is enough. But it's trade off between parasitic cap and speed.
Another questions, how many contacts (length) should I use in the guard ring? 1, 2 or 3?
It depends on leakage. Is it high enough to shift substrate to not desired voltage? If not put there just one.