There is no reply for that kind of question. It looks like a troll aimed at starting a flame war.
Well, there is no reply, or there are as many replies as there are processor kinds.
1. As said above, everything depends on your requirements. That's the technical part.
But in the processor choice, I noticed over the years that the technical part does not
influence greatly the choice of the processor. The main influencing factor is the human part.
2. The human part. Once you get some experience with a processor, you will likely choose
a processor of the same family. Pic users choose pics, AVR users choose AVR, etc...
The reason is not technical, it's an efficiency reason. If you have experience with one PIC,
then it will be easy to program another PIC, same for MSP430, etc...
Now for your question, everybody will advice the chip he's used to program because he
actually thinks it's the easiest to program
what is the difference between
PICxx, AVRxx, ATMEGAxx, ATtinyxx, MSPxx etc..,,
which is more advanced and easy to interface and assemble??
and also which is easy to program and easy to understand the code ??? especially for beginners to become experts
which one has more advantages in the present scenario???
P.S. PROGRAMMING ( easy to understand and write it on our own ) and INTERFACING is the Main criteria