Which is better ? mikroMedia for PIC32 or STM32 ?

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Apr 1, 2013
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Which is better ? mikroElectronika's mikroMedia for PIC32 or mikroMedia for STM32 ?

I need speed and stability. I am making a security system and want to use TFT and Touchscreen. mikroMedia boards have TFT+Touchscreen and they are stackable. I will be also using mikroBus Shield for mikroMedia and I will be plugging GSM2 Click and GPS Click to the mikroBus Shield. I still have to decide about the power supply but it will be battery powered and re-chargeable.

I am designing a mikroMedia Shield which will have a few 8 input OR gate chips whose outputs will be connect to INTx pins. The shield will be used to interface many kinds of digital sensors like PIR Sensors. A lot of PIR sensors will be used. I am making this security system for a Jewellery Shop.

I have mikroC PRO PIC32 and mikroC PRO ARM but have not used ARM Compiler much as I am still learning ARM. But if STM32 is better in speed and stability compared to PIC32 then I will use mikroMedia for STM32 for the product and I will start learning STM32 programming using mikroC PRO STM32 Compiler.

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I have requested mikroE to make a mikroBus shield for mikroMedia which have 3 or 4 mikroBus socket. I will be interfacing GSM2 Click, GPS2 Click, RTC2 Click. RTC2 Click will be used to get time of Intruder detection and mikroMedia board already have SD Card feature. The time of Intruder activity is logged in SD Card.

I don't know whether one can get time from GPS (uBlox GPS module) hence I am using RTC DS1307.

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Wow. mikroMedia board has a stereo MP3 codec chip and SD Card holder. I can easily make the system a Music Player when Disarmed and a Security System when Armed. The extra things needed are Powered speakers.

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I checked the datasheets of PIC32 and STM32 M4 used in mikroMedias and mikroMedia for STM32 M4 is better.

PIC32 runs @ 80 MHz and STM32 M4 @ 168 MHz. So, my TFT displaying will be better with STM32.
PIC32 has 4 UART and STM32 also 4 UART
PIC32 has 2 SPI and 2 I2C where as STM32 has 3 SPI and 3 I2C
PIC32 has 512 KB ROM and 32 KB RAM but STM32 has 1 MB ROM and 196 KB RAM.

It's time for me to learn mikroC PRO STM32 programming.

I found a solution.

I will use https://www.mikroe.com/mikromedia/plus/stm32/





GSM2 Click
GPS3 Click
FM Click
RTC2 Click

for now.

I have requested mikroE to make a similar shield with 6 mikroBus Sockets so that I can add SpeakUp Click for providing voice based control feature to my product and also one more click (not yet decided).

mikroMedia+ for STM32 is better than mikroMedia for STM32 M4. It runs at 168 MHz.

For now I can make Accident Notifier + Anti-theft + Clock + FM radio + MP3 Player in one system. This has a bigger scrren. Maybe I will also add GPS navigation feature after all it has 1 MB ROM and 196 KB RAM.

I think I found better batteries to power my products.




I want to know can I use the below mentioned charging circuit to charge the above mentioned batteries ?


Also can the 4400 mAh and 6600 mAh batteries provide 2A current while sending SMS required by GSM2 Click and SIM900 ?

This is the first time I am using a Li-Po battery in a product. Please provide me a circuit which can convert 3.7V from Li-Po battery pack to 3.3V. 3.3V will be used to power SIM900 board and PIC32, ADXL335 all working at 3.3V.

I will be using a adapter which gives 5V 500 mA and it will be connected to the charging circuit.

I have to mention that I have never designed a portable and battery operated devices. Now I found this battery

**broken link removed**

Can I use such (3.7V 4000 mAh) single cell Li-Ion batteries to power SIM900A ? Also can they provide 2A burst current for small periods ? How to know what batteries can provide 3A for short periods ? I will not be using chinese batteries but I will buy similar batteries of good quality. Just want to know what ratings of battery can be used to power my circuit which includes mainly SIM900A and PIC32 or STM32 chips.

I am trying to reduce the size of the product. It should be smaller that a cigarette pack. Please tell me if above mentioned or similar batteries can work.

Now I am checking for Li-ion battery charger circuits for portable devices which work from 5V 500mA (USB Power). Is Li-ion better than Li-Po ?
Earlier I was thinking about using Li-Po 3.7 6600 mAh but the price is high and battery size is big. The Li-ion is a single cell and takes less space.

If it can work then how long it can work ? As I mentioned earlier SIM900A will be turned ON only when required.

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I have two more questions to ask.

1. Mobiles have GSM and maybe GPS also. They have 3.6V batteries (slim) So, They power the say ARM controller and also the GSM and GPS systems in mobile for a long time. So, can I use mobile batteries to power my tiny product with of course additionsl battery charging and power supply circuit ?

My second question is.

Let's say I have two mobiles and one is a touchscreen based and running Android. Let's also assume that it has a onboard accelerometer. Then can I write a android app which reads the accelerometer and detects motion and then sends SMS to configured number. I have no experience with Android app programming. I just want to know can it be done. If yes, then I can convert the mobile to a SMS alerter and place it in my vehicle when parked and it will send out SMS to configured mobile. Then there will be no need to make a SMS alerter device but a mobile can be used for the purpose. Are there mobiles with accelerometers in the market ?

This and two more threads started as an embedded design related and ending as an android apps.


Buy two smart phones with accelerometer, GSM, GPRS, GPS running android.
Place one always in your vehicle. Cary the other with you all the time.
Get two android apps. One Accident Notifier and another Anti-Theft
When inside vehicle and moving run the accident notifier app.
If there is a crash sensed by accelerometer based on a algorithm for vehicle movement then send accident notification SMS to all user configured numbers.
Also send GPS location of the vehicle.

When you park the vehicle close the accident notifier and run the anti-theft app.

If motion detected > Send SMS to user configured numbers like "Vehicle is being lifted", "Vehicle was lifted and being carried away" or "Vehicle is moving at x km/hr speed"

Log GPS data to webserver.
Send GPS data to configured mobiles so that it can be used to track vehicle on a map on the smartphone.
The user smartphone should have an application which when GPS data from the alerter is received it should open map and display it on map.

Send SMS location of vehicle.

hahah, the Ultrafire has never ever 4000mAh= Use google, but I mean, this has in reallity ony 1600mAh (look at the rating at the end of the side " my other 3000mAh 18650 battery last for almost twice as long, than these."

The biggest existing Cell is from Panasonic with 3600mAh build into Tessla Electric car.
If I would be you, I would use LiFePo4 Batterie, because it's much easier to charge and absolutly safe!! like this
**broken link removed**
or smaller from A123, but nearly the same price...

This you can charge with 3.6Volts, but nothing happend, if you charge it to 4V, if you go higher there is only smoke at about 4.2Volt
You can it charge with 3.4V too to 100%!!! Charge Level
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