Which frequency will be travel more ?Low frequency or High frequency?

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Member level 2
Nov 1, 2013
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some experienced members should answer in exact way because this is a basic question but is very confused question??
Which frequency will be travel more ?Low frequency or High frequency??????
Which will carry more information?low frequency signal or high frequency signal?

high frequency move in straight line, so high frequency signals can't through Curvature of the Earth and we need to
establish extra antennas for large distance. so low frequency signal travel more distance.
about information: high frequency signal carry more information.

As above.

On Low frequencies (or actually HF) I have talked all around the world.

On High frequencies (VHF/UHF) I can only talk to someone a few miles away.

But I would use VHF+ for data and HF for voice only.

Which frequency will be travel more ?Low frequency or High frequency??????

Muhammad, I appreciate that your mother tongue is NOT english. No problem - the same applies to me.
However, because of this we should spend some more words for explaining our problem.
I really don`t know what you are asking.
Which frequency "will be travel more"?
Do you mean speed of travelling? Or distance - as two forum members think? Or something else?
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Well, visible wavelengths make it here across vast interstellar
distances (so do longer and shorter) so in vacuum, there's
not much of a limit.

Atmospheric attenuation and line-of-sight propagation vs
reflection affect terrestrial radio. The attenuation is very
frequency-variable and often systems select specific
frequencies either looking to avoid, or maximize, absorbtion
(avoid for max distance, maximize to reduce interference
or off-main-lobe eavesdropping).

High frequency signal will travel long and can hold a lot of information in it... Thats why we are transmitting radios in high frequency, we cant shout in our 1kHz to reach 1km audience but its pretty easy in 100MHz with a 10cm antenna..

Which frequency will be travel more ?Low frequency or High frequency?
In other words which frequency signal will travell more distance?Low frequency or high frequency?

The answer depends on what it is travelling through. In some cases LF will travel further than HF, for example vibrations through solid objects.
In other cases HF will travel further than LF, for example in radio communication. But even then, some frequencies will be absorbed by some substances so it's distance might be limited.
Short answer - they potentially can travel the same distances, it's what obstructs them that makes the difference.


Not too helpful.

Why not, it is one of the main forms of communication and can be beamed around the globe. And if one applies some thought to my comment you would realise that the answer is in there, that's why it a useful form of data and information transfer. Of course you could have used the info to search the web for some more in depth answers such as:

keep your patronising views to yourself please in future.

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